2019.05.13 ♦ #MuseumWeek 2019 « MAM CHILOÉ

2019.05.13 ♦ #MuseumWeek 2019

#MuseumWeek – 7 días, 7 temas, 7 hashtags

Una vez más el MAM participará de la #MuseumWeek junto a muchos museos y espacios culturales al rededor del mundo, como una manera de poner en relevancia el quehacer cultural y con la sinergia de conectarnos en una red mundial, aumentar la visibilidad del arte y la cultura. Este año el tema principal será: #WomenInCulture. Parte de la apuesta es que en cada país participante, las instituciones culturales se reúnan y realicen una actividad in situ que permita visibilizar la participación en este evento mundial, a la vez que divulgar el rol que las mujeres han tenido en los espacios culturales del país, sean estas artistas, trabajadoras de museos, escritoras, lo que importa es rescatar esas figuras y su aporte en la cultura con el #WomenInCulture.

Más info en la WEB MUSEUMWEEK

Además, seguiremos la guía mundial en la que cada día compartiremos con ustedes a través de nuestras redes de Facebook, Instagram y Twitter – somos @mamchiloe !

DIA 1 – #MuseumWeek #WomenInCulture – Mon, May 13th

Although the role of women in society is obviously just as important as that of men, it is far from being properly recognized. This Monday, we will focus on famous women in the fields of history, art, culture and science, as well as all those anonymous women whose lives structure our societies. Not women chosen for their beauty, but artists, intellectuals, workers, and so on. Share your content with the hashtag #WomenInCulture

DIA 2 – #MuseumWeek #SecretsMW – Tue. May 14th

On the Tuesday, let your visitors see behind the scenes! Exhibitions in preparation, restoration or cleaning of collections, little-known facilities or professions, etc. Use the occasion to form a closer relationship with your public by revealing all your secrets!

DIA 3 – #MuseumWeek #PlayMW – Wed. May 15th

The Wednesday will be all about play! Whether it’s theatre, cinema, music or video, an Olympic challenge or a fun treasure hunt, start a fun conversation with your online audience and visiting public!

DIA 4 – #MuseumWeek #RainbowMW – Thu. May 16th

Put more colour into your venue! Whether it’s through showcasing a particular colour in your collections, celebrating peace or LGBTQ awareness, add a splash of colour to your publications and cultural venues!

DIA 5 – #MuseumWeek #ExploreMW – Fri. May 17th

On the Friday, explore the theme of new territory, initiative and daring. Whether it’s in the form of intellectual, artistic or space exploration, or even innovation, invite your public to think outside the box and push the boundaries!

DIA 6 – #MuseumWeek #PhotoMW – Sat. May 18th

Time for them to get their smartphones and cameras out: it’s photo day! Feature the beauty of your design and architecture, highlight your venue by inviting professional, artistic and amateur photographers to share their take on it!

DIA 7 – #MuseumWeek #FriendsMW – Sun. May 19th

If ever people need an excuse to enjoy a bit of culture with their friends, then the Sunday is it! On the last day of #MuseumWeek, explore the theme of friendship – a universal value – on social media and use the opportunity to make special offers for groups of visitors at your establishment and gift shop!

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